
Normal Movies for Normal People is a film-by-film critique of comic book and superhero cinema. Guided by a robot programmed to select movies, we discuss this apparently never-ending subgenre. 

You can follow our journey through our iTunes podcast, Google Play podcast, or listen to us live when we broadcast on Mixlr.

If you are some kind of weirdo who has a Zune or prefers their podcasts in raw RSS form, you can find our feed here.

Here are a couple of the terms we throw around during our episodes.

Golden Pounce: Our award for the standout performance of a given movie. 

Rotten Tomatoes Game: A showdown where Andrew and Alex try to guess if a critic blurb is referring to the movie we just watched or an entirely different film. The winner gets to select our next show. Andrew is really bad at this game. 

Normal: Conventional, traditional, expected. Or the complete opposite. But seriously, the Most Normal Moment of a movie tends to be outright bizarre or unusual. 

Norm-o-Tron: A robot Andrew designed that selects two comic book movies. Much like Ultron, it turned out to be a bad idea. 

Sandwich: Situating a comic book movie in between two other films. If Spider-Man 3 is the meat, The Spirit is the bottom slice of bread and Punisher: War Zone is the top.